Honourable Chairman & Director Message

@foreach($directors_message as $k => $director) @if(($k + 1) % 2 == 0)

@php $first_string = substr($director->description,0,600); @endphp {{$first_string}} .. @php $second_string = substr($director->description,600,strlen($director->description)); @endphp {{$second_string}} Show More

{{ $director->name }}

{{ $director->designation }}

@php $first_string = substr($director->description,0,600); @endphp {{$first_string}} .. @php $second_string = substr($director->description,600,strlen($director->description)); @endphp {{$second_string}} Show More

{{ $director->name }}

{{ $director->designation }}
@endif @endforeach
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AssalamuAlaikum Wa Rahmatullah. Elham Auto Ricemill origin lies in the foundation of Elham International Limited which currently engages in staffing business as the Auto Ricemill core company. In 2007, Elham group started its business with few people in a small office, the company did not have ample funds, adequate equipment or an impressive record or business achievements. But in one respect, we were in no way inferior to other companies. Our strength was that we had the passion and will to perform great service for customers who entrust work to us and to meet their expectations... Elham group believe that we have so far been able to continue to grow and take on new challenges precisely because our group is an aggregate of people who share our passion. The power of people has been driving the group’s growth and change. Although the group has grown into a corporate group with a total workforce of more than 1,500 there has been no change in this belief since it all started with few people. We'll continue to focus on expanding our businesses in order to create more jobs to elevate poverty in our society. Elham group also adopted effective CSR programs to make positive impacts on our community whilst maximizing business value of our stakeholders. We have faith in our mission, vision, values, ethics and very hard work to attain higher productivity, diversification and growth in areas beneficial to all and our motto is self-reliance for Company, Community and Country. Show More

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Yasir Miah

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AssalamuAlaikum Wa Rahmatullah. Elham Auto Ricemill origin lies in the foundation of Elham International Limited which currently engages in staffing business as the Auto Ricemill core company. In 2007, Elham group started its business with few people in a small office, the company did not have ample funds, adequate equipment or an impressive record or business achievements. But in one respect, we were in no way inferior to other companies. Our strength was that we had the passion and will to perform great service for customers who entrust work to us and to meet their expectations... Show More

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Md Rayhan Uddin

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Managing Director
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AssalamuAlaikum Wa Rahmatullah. Elham Auto Ricemill origin lies in the foundation of Elham International Limited which currently engages in staffing business as the Auto Ricemill core company. In 2007, Elham group started its business with few people in a small office, the company did not have ample funds, adequate equipment or an impressive record or business achievements. But in one respect, we were in no way inferior to other companies. Our strength was that we had the passion and will to perform great service for customers who entrust work to us and to meet their expectations... Elham group believe that we have so far been able to continue to grow and take on new challenges precisely because our group is an aggregate of people who share our passion. The power of people has been driving the group’s growth and change. Although the group has grown into a corporate group with a total workforce of more than 1,500 there has been no change in this belief since it all started with few people. We'll continue to focus on expanding our businesses in order to create more jobs to elevate poverty in our society. Elham group also adopted effective CSR programs to make positive impacts on our community whilst maximizing business value of our stakeholders. We have faith in our mission, vision, values, ethics and very hard work to attain higher productivity, diversification and growth in areas beneficial to all and our motto is self-reliance for Company, Community and Country. Show More

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Abdullah Al Mamun

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